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Enhance Your Nervous System And Brain Power

Enhance Your Nervous System And Brain Power

If you want to escape the introduction about what is the nervous system and how it behaves under stress you can scroll to the End  
The Nervous System
o    Brain
o    Spinal column
o    Peripheral Nerves
Everything in your body is connected through nerve cells, electrical impulses, and chemical messengers. The nervous system consists of conscious and unconscious areas:
o    Perceive through senses
o    Move skeletal muscles
o    Regulate conscious actions
o    Known as “Autonomic”
o    Keeps your heart beating
o    Hormones secretion
o    Digests your food
o    Regulates temperature
o    Makes sure you breathe
o    Autonomic is divided into 2 parts
Autonomic Nervous System
The Sympathetic Nervous System (stressed)
When we’re excited, stressed or scared, the sympathetic nervous system:
o    Tenses our muscles
o    Makes our heart beat faster
o    Moves blood away from digestive organs
o    Shuts down elimination
That’s why when we are stressed we could have serious digestion problems, irregular heartbeats, chest pain and tensing muscles
o    The Parasympathetic Nervous System (Relaxed)
o     As we relax and unwind, the parasympathetic nervous system:
o    Moves blood to the digestive organs
o    relaxes muscles
o    Aids elimination
o    Initiates healing and self-repair
Brain Structures and their Functions:
associated with higher brain function such as thought and action
  is associated with regulation and coordination of movement, posture, and balance.
Limbic System  "emotional brain"
·        Thalamus all sensory information enters this structure where neurons send that information to the overlying cortex.
·        Hypothalamus involved in functions including homeostasis, emotion, thirst, hunger, circadian rhythms, and control of the autonomic nervous system and the pituitary
·         Amygdala involved in memory, emotion, and fear
·         Hippocampus for learning and memory and converting short term memory to more permanent memory

Brain Stem for basic vital life functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure

The Brain
o    Houses 98% of your body’s neurons
o    Makes up only 2% of your body weight
o    Consumes 25% of your oxygen
o    Consumes as much as 20% of your sugar
The nervous system is probably the most nutritionally sensitive system in the body
o    The brain is 70% water,  so it is sensitive to dehydration
o    50-60% of the “dry” weight of your brain is fat, 35% being omega 3
o    DHA is most abundant type of omega 3 in the brain
o    B-vitamins are essential to lower risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia
The Brain and Blood Sugar
o    You can always get your source of sugar from natural fruits and vegetables (bananas, Apples, Carrots …etc)
o    Stay away from refined sugar and white Flour natural fruits and vegetables supply your body with vitamins and nutrition that protects your DNA and repair it also they will boost your immune system and kill cancer,
o    Watch The immune system T cells Killing Cancer here
o    The T cells make a hole in their membrane with perforin enzymes and pour some molecules called caspases and granzymes that are poisonous to the cancer cells (they produce apoptosis)
Toxins and the Nervous System
Toxins pose a significant threat to the nervous system. Some of the toxins we’re exposed to frequently include:
o    Drugs
o    Alcohol
o    Chemical solvents
o    Pesticides & herbicides
o    Excessive caffeine
o    Refined sugar
o    White flour
o    Hydrogenated oils
How to maintain healthy nervous system and Brain
Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Magnesium all of which are important for proper functioning of our nervous system. Vitamin B is essential in the process of synthesizing and circulating neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that regulate heartbeat, respiration and digestion. Magnesium helps in calming the nerves. Vitamin E and C acts as anti-ageing for the nervous system.
Broccoli is rich in Vitamin K which is known to improve brain power and cognitive skills.

Broccoli is rich in a compound called glucosinolates which can slow the breakdown of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which the central nervous system needs to perform its function properly, keeps our brain and memory sharp. Low levels of acetylcholine are linked with Alzheimer's

Fatty Acids    
Chia seeds, flaxseeds, Olive Oil and fish oil
Omega-3 foods lower the risk for heart disease due to their inflammation-reducing abilities. They also are needed for proper neurological function, cell membrane maintenance, mood regulation and hormone production.

 Deficiency in fatty acids will lead to a damage in the nerves and reduce the brain functions ability  
Cardiovascular health (by lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, plaque buildup in the arteries, and the chance of having a heart attack or stroke)
Stabilizing blood sugar levels (preventing diabetes)
Reducing muscle, bone and joint pain by lowering inflammation
Helping balance cholesterol levels
Improving mood and preventing depression
Sharpening the mind and helping with concentration and learning
Boosting immunity
Treating digestive disorders like ulcerative colitis
Reducing risk for cancer and helping prevent cancer reoccurrence
Improving appearance, especially skin health

Walking Barefoot in a Natural Environment

Walking barefoot on moist earth, dewy grass, beach sand, in a river, in the sea, etc., during at least half an hour a day is the most economic and healthy way to balance our nervous system.  In addition, it helps us to eliminate electromagnetic radiation that we absorb in our body from continuous contact with electronic devices.

the Journal of Environmental and Public Health looked at a number of studies that highlight how drawing electrons from the earth improves health. In one, chronic pain patients using grounded carbon fiber mattresses slept better and experienced less pain. 

It also moderated heart rate variability, improved glucose regulation, reduced stress and boosted immunity

Cold Shower

Water at different temperatures helps us to balance our nervous system
Always ending a bath with a few seconds of a cold shower is very beneficial to the nervous system.

Sleeping in Darkness
Regulating melatonin levels

Melatonin is known as a powerful antioxidant hormone that prevents some strains of cancer, and can also help with controlling other health issues, including the regulations of irregular menstrual cycles, the length of ovulation, menopausal issues and chronic insomnia

Lowering the risk of metabolic dysfunction
Not sleeping in the night and specially in darkness makes your body more prone to having diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and sarcopenia (muscle loss) compared to those who went to bed and awoke at times in accordance with the day’s light and dark cycle, despite getting the same amount of sleep.

Herbal Tea that fights Stress and Calm the nerves

Lemon Verbana
Passiflora incarnate


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