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Lemon Health benefits

1.Ends Indigestion:
Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and are quite effective in curing digestion problems. They contain digestive juices, which facilitate digestion, thus relieving heartburn, bloating, belching and gastric problems. A glass of lemon juice is often recommended in case of fever and stomach upset. Lemon, when taken with warm water early in the morning, aids in proper digestion. It also removes toxins from the kidney and the digestive system, thus improving immunity and purifying the blood.
2. Controls Blood Pressure:
Lemon juice is beneficial for people with heart disease, thanks to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea; and provides a calming sensation to the body and mind. It is often used to reduce stress and depression.
3. Flu and Fever:
Lemon helps curing cold, flu and fever due to its high content of vitamin C. It aids the production of antibodies and white blood cells which  fight against microorganisms in the body. Lemon, increases the rate of diaphoresis, thus helping in bringing down fever. Being a blood purifier, it can help cure diseases like malaria and cholera.
4. Respiratory Disorders:
Lemon juice can provide relief from respiratory and breathing problems such as asthma. Being a rich source of vitamin C, lemons can help you deal with long term respiratory disorders. Its anti-bacterial properties help in treating throat infections.
5. Dental Health:
Lemon plays an important role in dental care. You can add a few drops of this juice to your toothpaste to get perfect white teeth as well as to prevent bad breath. Lemon juice when applied on an aching tooth can significantly reduce tooth ache. Massaging lemon juice on the gums can stop gum bleeding.
6. Internal Bleeding:
The antiseptic and coagulant properties of lemon can stop internal bleeding such as nosebleeds. All you need to do is apply some lemon juice to a small cotton ball and place it inside your nostril to control bleeding.
7. Rheumatism:
The diuretic property of lemon makes it beneficial for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. It flushes out bacteria and toxins from the body and helps control inflammation.
8. Strong Nails:
Lemon, when combined with olive oil, can be an effective nail hardener. Applying this solution will not only strengthen weak and brittle nails but also whiten and brighten yellowing nails.
9. Lemon Diet for Weight Loss:
A lemon diet can prove quite useful in losing weight quickly. If you wish to lose that extra flab, then you can drink lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey early in the morning.
Skin Benefits of Lemon
Lemons have the ability to treat almost any type of skin issue. They offer numerous benefits to your skin some of which are given below:
10. Skin Whitening:
The citric acid in lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent to lighten and brighten your skin complexion. You can mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 3 tablespoon water and apply it all over your face and neck. Wash off with cold water after 30 minutes.
11. Scars and Age Spots:
Lemon juice can be applied overnight to cure the discoloration caused by scars, skin disorders, and age spots. It also helps in lightening the scars caused by burns.
12. Discolored Elbows:
Rubbing the lemon rind on the discolored elbows can reduce the dark patches on your elbow.
13. Wrinkles:
Lemon can be used to prepare an anti-wrinkle mask. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon each of lemon juice extract and honey and add a few drops of almond oil. Apply it as a mask on your face and neck.
14. Dry Skin:
If you have dry skin, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice extract, honey, and olive oil on your skin to combat dryness and make your skin supple and moisturized.
15. Oily Skin:
If you have oily skin, you can mix a spoon of lemon juice with egg white and grape juice extract. Apply it on your face to make your skin look soft and glowing.
16. Chapped Lips:
Lemon acts as an exfoliant to smoothen chapped lips. All you need to do is rub the lemon rind on your pucker and wash off the next morning. Lemon juice can removes dead skin cells, thus facilitating smooth application of lipstick.

17. Corns:
Corns are lumps formed due to hardening of the skin at certain places like the soles of the feet and the palms of your hands. Lemon juice can easily dissolve these lumps on the skin.
18. Acne and Blackheads:
The anti-bacterial properties of lemon make it effective for curing acne and blackheads. You can dilute some lemon juice extract in water and apply it on the affected area with a cotton swab. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. This will help in healing the acne as well as reducing the frequency and severity of blackheads. Apart from this, having a glass of lemon water with honey will cleanse your system, thus preventing acne and breakouts.
Hair Benefits of Lemon
Besides being wonderful for your skin, lemons also work well to improve the condition of your hair. They can provide the following benefits for your hair:
19. Dandruff:
Lemon is a great natural remedy for dandruff. Application of lemon juice on the scalp can help fight dandruff and also prevent its recurrence.

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