Providing Nutrients during Pregnancy
pregnancy, women should face challenging days with bloated stomach, intestinal
problems or even bowel problems. These symptoms can be relieved by eating dates
due to its richness of nutrients. Also, the high level of iron in dates can
prevent pregnant women from getting anemia. The muscles of the uterus and
mother’s milk can be improved as well.
risk of hemorrhage can be also reduced for newborn babies. Dates’ nutrition can
increase the intelligence and memory of the unborn child, so mother should eat
dates for providing the required nutrients. Moreover, a study showed that
eating dates four weeks before labor can help an easier delivery outcome and
provide the induction need. The result might not be significant, but there is
an effect and relation between eating dates and favorable delivery outcomes.
After pregnancy, eating dates can help in weight loss so getting back to your
ideal weight is possible.
Controlling Cholesterol
dates are free cholesterol, eating them won’t add more weight or cholesterol to
your body. They are also great in diminishing triglycerides amount. With lower
cholesterol, the risk of heart disease, strokes and other cholesterol-related
diseases can be reduced. The relation of eating dates with reduced stroke risk
has been shown by researches by showing that consuming 100 milligrams of
magnesium is the same as reducing 10 percent of stroke risk. Since dates
contain magnesium, you can simply eat them and get the benefits.
Healthy Heart
rich in potassium, as has been mentioned above, dates are already great for the
heart by keeping the LDL cholesterol low and preventing heart disease from
coming. Simply eating this super fruit twice a week can help supporting your
heart health. Moreover, weak hearts can be strengthened by consuming crushed
dates that had been soaked overnight before. Do this in the morning and weak
heart can be improved. Heart disease is closely related with cholesterol, so if
you want your heart to be healthy, watch your cholesterol. Dates are free from
cholesterol, but rich of potassium, which can increase the HDL level.
Curing Constipation
you have been struggling with constipation and feeling discomfort, now you can
find the solution from dates. This fruit is a form of laxative when it is
consumed properly. Don’t eat it directly, but soak it in water overnight first
and eat it in the next morning. Do this every morning to cure your
constipation. Also, the soluble fiber in dates can lead the water in your body
to the digestive tract and it results in relieving constipation. So you don’t
have to deal with some modern medicines, just go with a more natural one for
curing your constipation.
Controlling Blood Pressure
benefits of dates for human body which play important role is for controlling
blood pressure. Its richness of potassium makes this super fruit excellent in
controlling blood pressure since this mineral can make electrolyte in your body
equalized. With the combination of magnesium, these two minerals help you
maintain your normal blood pressure and prevent some high blood
pressure-related diseases.
Maintaining Digestive Health
can find both insoluble and soluble fiber from dates depending on the type of
dates you are consuming. These fiber types can help maintaining regular bowel
movement that leads to healthy digestive system. Moreover, there is also amino
acid in this fruit to support the health of the digestive tract. The
gastrointestinal system can be also cleaned using fiber so that your colon
becomes more efficient in working. This condition prevents your colon from
cancer and other disorders. To support your digestive system better, you can
firstly soak your dates before chewing them. Do this daily to keep you away
from constipation.
Strengthening Bones
dark brown fruit is rich in many kinds of minerals your bones require such s
manganese, magnesium, selenium and copper. You need all of them to keep your
bone healthy and prevent bone-related problems like osteoporosis. As you are
aging, your bones are weaker so you should keep them well strengthened by
eating the proper foods.
Maintaining Healthy Nervous System
nervous system needs potassium since this mineral is also needed by the brain,
which is related with the nervous system. Dates are rich in potassium, so they
are very appropriate for helping you maintain the health of your nervous system
while keeping them work properly. Young or old, you need to nutrition your
nervous system. Older people tend to have unsupported nervous system while
younger people need to maintain its health for preventing some problems when
they are older. Being low in sodium and rich in potassium makes dates are an
excellent booster for the nervous system.
Relieving Diarrhea
about potassium, which is a really important mineral for your health, is the
reason why dates are also great for curing diarrhea. It has been mentioned
above that dates are good for constipation, but surprisingly this can also
address diarrhea too. Get some ripe dates and you can treat your diarrhea. This
fruit is digestible and its soluble fiber can help the excretory system
function better.
Treating Anemia
is a condition where the amount of red blood cells in the blood low. One of
anemia causes is iron deficiency since iron plays a very important role to your
blood health. Since you are lacking of iron, then the best solution is to fulfill
your body with iron by eating iron-rich foods like dates. This natural remedy
can help you treat anemia since it provides high amount of iron. This is why
anemia patients are suggested to eat dates for boosting the iron level and
addressing the anemia. Anemia makes the sufferers feel exhausted and weak, but
dates can boost their energy with the iron and sugar. So if you are suffering
from anemia, get this natural remedy and you can feel better.
Curing Intestinal Disorders
contain nicotine that can relieve intestinal disorders. Consuming dates
regularly can improve the friendly bacteria growth in the intestines while
inhibiting the pathological organisms. Moreover, the fiber content combined
with amino acids can help the foods and nutrients better digested and absorbed.
Boosting Brain Health
benefits of dates for brain also have vital role. The relation between vitamin
B6 and brain’s health has been shown in some studies and it makes dates one of
the brain boosters you can easily eat since they are containing this vitamin.
When you eat dates, the brain get its required nutrition and it results with
better functioning of the brain.
Addressing Night Blindness
are more than just good for your brain, digestive system and health, but they
are also good for your eyes. It is even said by the American Cancer Society
that eating dates daily can maintain the health of your eyes. Night blindness,
as one of eye problems can be also addressed and reduced by eating dates or
using the leaves to rub on the eyes. So not only eating, you can also turn the
leaves into paste to reduce night blindness.
Preventing Abdominal Cancer
are some types of abdominal cancer including bowel cancer, stomach cancer,
renal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer
and colorectal cancer. Some symptoms that can indicate these cancers, although
they might be symptoms of other illnesses too, are losing appetite, anemia,
fever, vomiting and nausea, loosened bowels, short breath, itchy skin,
ingestion pain, stomach pain, bowel issues, sex drive lacking, abdomen
swelling, and pale skin.
can’t be indicated suffering abdominal cancer without checking to the doctor
and getting diagnosed so when these symptoms come, go check your health
condition first. Eating dates can prevent abdominal cancer because this fruit
is easy to digest and it provides tonic for the body. It provides energy with
natural ingredients and numerous nutrients. It is an all-natural, healthy
energy booster to keep your body healthy.
Assessing Weight Loss
high amount of fiber in dates is very helpful in assessing diet because fiber
can keep the fullness in your stomach longer. Moreover, when you are craving
for sweet treats, simply take some dates and eat them. They are no cholesterol
and fat, high in calories, so they can prevent you from eating high-sugar foods
without increasing the bad cholesterol level in your body. They can be used as
snacks between meals to keep you full before lunch or dinner. You can also add
them to your favorite no-fat dishes. Also, dates are high in good sugar to keep
you boosted and energized all day.